What exactly is involved with the routine eye exam process?
The first part of the exam is an evaluation of your current visual status. Looking at how well you are currently seeing and how well the eyes are working together.
The second part of the exam is the refractive error portion where Dr. Olson will use a combination of methods to determine the best prescription for your glasses and/or contacts.
The third part is the evaluation of your eye health. This is one of the most important aspects of a thorough routine exam. During this portion of the eye exam, the structures of the eye and surrounding tissues are examined in depth for any diseases or complications, such as: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, and many other systemic health issues that can present in the eye.
On occasion, follow up visits are needed for an even more thorough and in-depth evaluation of the eyes. These visits are often billable to health insurance plans and allow for special testing to be conducted for better documentation and care of you and the health of your eye.
What should I bring into the office for the exam?
• List of medications
• Vision and Health Insurance information
• Previous prescription information for glasses and contacts if possible
How are your exams different from other Optometrists?
At Olson Eye Care in Council Bluffs, there is a lot more to a thorough eye exam than “which is better, one or two.” We pride ourselves on providing you and your family with the most technologically advanced eye care available to ensure that you are seeing the best you possibly can, and that your eyes are healthy. At Olson Eye Care, every patient undergoes a complete examination of eye health. Dr. Olson works closely with your primary health care providers to ensure that they have all the information they need to provide you with the best care as well.
In addition to great eye health care, Olson Eye Care provides the highest quality frame and lens options available in the eye care industry. We are always striving to stay on the forefront of technology and fashion. We believe that everyone deserves the best the industry has to offer. Only the finest possible corrective lens materials and designs are prescribed as we custom design each lens to fit your lifestyle and visual demands.
Will I have to do the “Puff of Air” test?
At Olson Eye Care, new technology is used that does NOT use puffs of air or drops to test eye pressure. Patients are always thrilled that they no longer have to be “puffed” in the eye with air, and rarely have annoying drops put in their eye to evaluate eye pressure. The eye is filled with fluid that nourishes the internal structures of the eye. If too much fluid is being produced, or not enough is absorbed into the blood stream, the pressure can build up and cause damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve entering the eye from the brain is the most susceptible to damage. This disease process is called Glaucoma and damage can affect both central and peripheral vision.
What vision insurance plans do you accept?
We accept most major vision plans. Most online vendors and optical stores do not. We are in-network providers for most major vision plans and we as a courtesy can check your benefits and accept payments directly from your plan. We do need the primary plan holder’s personal information in order to check benefits at least one business day ahead of the scheduled visit.